Our laboratory integrates scanning probe microscopy and fabrication of custom materials and nanodevices. We aim to advance knowledge of physical phenomena that emerge as a result of low dimensionality, presence of surfaces and interfaces, and proximity between different states of matter.

Quantum matter at the atomic scale
Our group visualizes the structure and wave functions of quantum materials at the scale of individual atoms.
Understanding and controlling the properties of materials to our advantage can be contemplated only with the development of experimental tools to probe and manipulate electrons and their interactions at the atomic scale. Specifically, scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS) are characterization techniques that continue to enable breakthroughs both in fundamental research and in material applications.
We use low-temperature, ultrahigh vacuum STM/STS for:
- Elucidating the nature of atomic-scale defects in quantum materials
- Creating and controlling quantum states in moiré systems
- Imaging surface and edge states in topological quantum materials
- Visualizing novel quantum states generated by the proximity of 2D materials within heterostructures
More details in:
- Nano Letters, 23 (24), 11778-11784 (2023)
- Advanced Materials, 35 (38), 2207816 (2023)
- Phys. Rev. B, 106, pp. 155117 (2022)
- Phys. Rev. B, 102 (20), pp. 205408 (2020)
- Journal of Applied Physics, 128, 044303 (2020)
- Nanoscale 11, 22351-22358 (2019)
- Phys. Rev. B, 100, 165414 (2019)
- Nature Physics 15, 1107–1108 (2019)
Quantum circuits in 2D materials
Our objective is to develop a solid-state quantum circuit based on 2D atomically thin quantum materials.
Working in close collaboration with the Quantum Theory Group at uOttawa and Quantum Physics Group at the NRC, we aim to integrate two-dimensional quantum materials into lateral gated quantum dot circuits and explore their feasibility as qubits.
More details about the Center for Quantum 2D Materials
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2D materials for energy, environment, and security
Our group leverages expertise in probing and engineering electronic states at surfaces of 2D materials to further the development of applications in the areas of energy harvesting, environmental sensing, and security.
Graphene represents an ideal sensing platform having large surface area, chemical stability, and extreme sensitivity to changes in its environment. It has high mobility of charge carriers, low electrical noise, and its electrical and optical properties can be modified using strain and field effects. In addition, graphene’s mechanical properties make it compatible with flexible and wearable devices.
- We combine electrical sensor testing of 2D material chemiresistors with complementary microscopy and spectroscopy techniques to identify and exploit the sensing mechanisms when atomically thin materials are exposed to airborne chemicals.
- We leverage strain and electrical tunability of optical properties via Pauli blocking in graphene to dynamically control and adapt thermal radiation.
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